Samples of Sounds I have Applied and Programmed into My Game

These are the sounds I applied into my 2D Whack-a-mole advergame Meerkat Gems.

JF Little Jump by WildOakForrest

For this sound I simply made it that when my enemy sprite appears in game this sound is played to represent his appearance.

JF Falling by WildOakForrest

I made this sound however to play when the insurance man sprite is clicked on by the player, this sprite isn't meant to be clicked on it

CC jump by WildOakForrest

CC characterdead by WildOakForrest

This sound is played at the end of the game if the player does not aquire enough points to move onto the next level.

MMH slap 1 by WildOakForrest

This screenshot shows the method of how I imported my sounds onto the game maker to be used in my game. The volume and pan can be edited as well as choosing whether the sound will act as background music or as a sound effect.

DR Low Health Warning by WildOakForrest

Sw Alarm by WildOakForrest

I applied this sound effect so that when the timer gets down to thirty seconds this alarm like sound is playd so the player has some audio feedback that they are running out of time.